
Taught not to bite

Just like kittens and puppies, the baby ferrets must be taught not to bite. The ferret was bred to be a pet and should not be biting, but the Cubs game includes playing the fight, and over time the bite can begin to be painful. A ferret when playing can chase you with your mouth open or even supporting the teeth on your hand, if pressed too, the point of hurting, You need to fix it. Remember, Ferrets are not bad, they just need to learn what is acceptable behavior.

Unfortunately, a ferret that has been abused may bite out of fear, or an older ferret might bite because of pain. In both cases, strict discipline will not help. For an animal that suffers from pain, obviously, Contact your veterinarian. For a ferret that has been abused, try one of the following alternatives, and have a lot pazenza: the ferret has to learn to trust someone, when all that was known before is abuse. Further information on these cases was created by Regina Harrison on the care and rehabilitation of these “problem” Ferrets.

In most cases, positive reinforcement such as giving rewards or praise when the ferret does well it works much better than punishment. However, if necessary it can be confined in a cage. Similarly, not ground the ferret after a bite, This will make him believe that it gets what she wants. Finally, Whatever the method used, consistency and immediacy are very important.


Taps on the nose and other alternative methods

Give a pat on the nose while you ferret is biting is a common form of discipline, but very similar to a spanking to a child. Your ferret can end up associating with a bad thing rather than opens good. Also, is not a good idea to use these methods with a ferret that has been mistreated or that appears unusually aggressive or frightened. Below there are several alternatives:

• If your ferret is biting too much while playing, try using a signal that already knows to be a “No!” or a shrill, just like the verse that makes a puppy when it hurts a little brother. Your ferret may, however, interpret this as a sign of weakness.

• Stop the game and gently hold the ground until your ferret is bored.

• Confining the ferret in a cage when not misbehaving. This can be very effective, especially if there is another ferret that has fun out of the cage.

• You can cover your hands with something unpleasant taste.

• One method used is to exert pressure with your finger in the mouth of the ferret (laterally, behind the back teeth) or holding the mouth open from behind (being careful not to stifle the ferret) immediately after a bite.

• If you must, to let go of our ferret cover both nostrils. Be careful not to keep them in the long, risking more frustration, suffocation, or anger.

Author: Mike Steele
SOURCE: Information re-written by Pamela Greene

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