Terms you'll hear often in your life by furettari!
Alfa: Alpha Ferret, the leader of the group
Morsicatore ankles: Search for attention, want to cuddle or want to stand on the shoulders
Navel: Or at least I thought it was.. until I discovered it was a male ferret!!
Gag: White fur under the chin and throat
Pack: Loss of hair, sometimes in large quantities
Conspiracy: Group of ferrets
Rubbing my butt: After going to the toilet, dragging my butt on the floor, save on toilet paper
Mat / ferret pancake: They're just lying on the floor watching the world go by. Sometimes you drag like a commando during the night maneuvers.
Court: A huge enclosed area where a group of ferrets live and play
DEW: Dark Eyes White. Ferrets white with red eyes or very dark blacks
Potpottare: The laughter of the ferrets when they are happy, excited, when they play or when exploring new places
Eggs: Dates occasionally as a reward, crude.
The mathematics of ferrets: Start with two and soon you're on the road to get to eight, nine or as in my case 32. Long live the mathematics of ferrets!
Proof ferret: Anything in your home must be safe for your ferret.
Sfurettare: Sfurettano usually when they are very frightened or angry to warn anyone who has unnerved. Is’ a very strong smell that lasts a moment and then disappears, luckily!
Has disastrous: It means that the food is digested too quickly
Pipe cleaner: All the hairs on the tail of the ferret swell like a bottle brush. They do it when they're angry, frightened, or sometimes even when they are happy
Mitts: Legs and toes white
Nibbling / Clamp: The puppies are doing it because they know there's nothing better to do! The adults do it as a game invitation
Sebo: Ferrets have a natural sebum on their fur, so it is not necessary nor advisable to wash!
Bocheggiare: When you are dehydrated from the heat.
Capillary : As we, Ferrets have the flesh, or rather a true capillary in which blood flows, in nails, so be very careful when you cut them to him!
Rainbow Bridge / Rainbow Bridge: The place where your ferret waits happily, in peace and free from all suffering, until they reach, crossing the bridge you too.
From rat tail: Hair loss and points blacks (comedones) on the tail. The tail is cold to the touch like that of a rat. This is due to an excess secretion of hormones during the period of the suit.
Take by the scruff / Coppino: Hold the ferret on the loose skin behind the head, in the upper part of the neck, just like the females are with their kittens. [to reproach, usually n.d.t]
Tremble: Is’ The first thing a ferret just waking up. Regulate / increase their body temperature drops when you sleep.
Danger Snorkelling (sub): give your ferret a children's wading basin filled with water and completely immerse your head, with eyes fully open and with strange bubble that burst from the nose goes to the surface
Cache: The favorite place for ferrets to hide all their treasures.
Teeth: Not only is used to staple their human parents!
Animal final: Ferrets are the best!
Dance of War: Jump and bounce, potpottano open mouth, with the head slightly tilted back, The face that looks funny, they bump up against anything, walk backwards and look around like crazy!
Yawn: Ferrets do you just wake up and have been taken by the scruff, in surrender.
Zip / Zipper: The dark line that runs at half the tummy.